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The stink bug can't climb up mountains. They can climb up little hills. But not big ones. Because they fall out. When people are behind them, they let pooties.

Robots said... this is how a man does it... and the girl said, let me show you. and they let one.

Mooommmm, OK that's enough.

Stinkbug... Peyeww

Easter Eggs

Today I colored Easter Eggs. We only had 4 because Mommy broke some earlier. Bummer. But it was fun, and I got my hands messy.

I can't wait for the Easter Bunny to hide some eggs. I wonder what I'll get.

Today Mimi and her sister and Jonathan came to visit. He was fun to play with.

Then one day his hands might get messy but that's OK.


Robots again

Yesterday Daddy took me to see Robots again. I liked the tires. My favorite robot was the red one. When he went "na na na na" and wiggled his butt. The red guy and the dark blue one, no the white one, they went na na na na when they saw the cleaner thing coming, and they hide together. Piper is in the movie.

Today at school I learned the Egyptian Coptic alphabet. We are going to do a dance on stage, but not the Christmas one.

I went to Odd Lots and picked out Easter stuff.

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My Outfit - I picked it out my self.



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I fell down and then I got back up and I fall down in the hallway and I don't know the rest of it.

I went to see the movie Robots last night and my favorite part was the monster part. I went to Hibachi on Friday night with Sara and Haley and mommy. After that we went to Target and we looked at toys. I helped mommy clean up outside.


Tea Party

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Tea Party Rules:
  • Orange Pekoe tea is served
  • Only two people at a tea party
Tonight, I am going over to Granny's and we are going to have a tea party with Orange Pekoe tea. Ladybugs, they craw around and we can catch them on a bug hunt, and we'll put them in a net so they won't fly awayqqqqqqq qwwwwwwweqwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweqweqqqqqqqqqqqq qqweeqweeeeeeeqwe222554588562+65656 y7yyk0
Today Daddy and I went to 9the mall8 and we played on the Fruit. Somebody h pushed me out of the way. They were mean.

Let's go to Granny's !


Past few days

Mommy is writing this one tonight...

Izzy had a busy day today. She played at Granny's new store. Loves having tea and vegetable parties. She helped set the table (one fork and one spoon for everyone - we had fish, so I don't know what the spoon was for.) Izzy and Daddy had a great time playing while Mommy worked.

She is getting excited for Easter, very excited, to see what the Easter Bunny will leave on her bed this year.

I love you, Isabella!



I like to play in grass.

This is what I did yesterday:
  • We cleaned up
  • We went to Olive Garden for Mommy's birthday (It was very crowded)
  • We ate cake and ice cream.
  • I helped Mommy open presents.
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My family in yellow Posted by Hello



I wish I was going to have a bug hunt then it stopped and I tried and tried and tried and then I fell down and hurt my head.

I am going to watch Survivor.

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Blueberry Hunt Posted by Hello


Blues Clues and Kleenex

What I did on March 1st

I didn't get much done because I fell asleeep at 5:30 PM and woke up at 6:30..... AM on March 2nd. Holy Family had a 2 hour delay today. I have a cough so I wasn't going anyway.

Izzy says:

I love to play in grass. I like to play outside in the truck when it's not raining. I'm figuring out what blue wants to play. I like to play in everything. And a kleenex there we have all three clues and we're ready to sit in our thinking chair.

Now it's Izzy's turn to type


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Family Portrait by Izzy at Pre-SchoolPosted by Hello