My story about bugs:
I did have a camping trip a long time ago, but my tent caught on fire so i had to move to another camping.
This is what I did today:
- We picked up real fast and goed and goed and goed and goed and goed and goed.
- I had subway for lunch today.
- We went to Granny's store afterward.
The end nnnnnnnnnnnthasdasdfgg123456555587
gtyrgyfgrtrtrhhdgrrfrrtrrtwhejrrhthtbyhtyrhrydhetdegddgefjykhjky nhfhtyt7trhrrbrr hrbhrhrhrhgy5by5yryrrhr3g4tr4bvgdfjf nfnfhrh hrjru5u5nhj iejfrmfv juhrkt nhe u5y58rhrhjufur45 irjturjrj jjwjaKAQKLAOAAI7W7EHT7DYRYTYUJDU45645HFY5YRYEJDUIRU5TUT JUTJGYHJYJU RJNTJN 5IKT RJKT6H JDJ K5JUGNH5 EHQ;KSFJI4JUY7 5TUTNHU75UT6YU6HJYJ
The end